
Welcome to my writer’s page. It’s so nice to have you.

I thought it was about time I consolidated all of my writing endeavors and accomplishments (that’s being generous) in one place. A little corner of the web that keeps me accountable to myself and my writing goals both big and small. More importantly, I’d like to keep account of this journey that was set into motion at a very young age, when I was writing stories and poems and recording little skits on an old tape recorder.

I only recently considered myself to be “goal-oriented.” I thought that quality was only attributed to athletes, CEOs, and the earth signs. (I’m looking at you Virgos.) But the older I get the more I realize that I always have to be working toward something. Always endeavoring to learn and to master. With that, I change passions often; because once I learn something and feel like there’s nothing new I can get out of it I lose interest very quickly. And that’s why I’ll never abandon writing. It’s an infinite possibility, and I know I’ll never truly master her. Who does?

I’ve had essays and articles for various magazines published, but I recently began submitting short stories (fiction) for publication and got my first acceptance this past December. I was delighted to learn that my fiction wasn’t absolute shit like I feared it was, and that was a pretty sweet way to end an otherwise crappy year (yep 2020). I’d like to continue working on and submitting short stories with the goal of pushing past any barriers that prevent me from writing the more intimate, dark, and controversial content that I love.

Won’t you join me?

2 thoughts on “Greetings!

  1. Welcome back to the blog world! Can’t wait to read what you’ve been working on.


    1. Hey, lady!! Thank you! I thought I was in here talking to myself haha. I’m so glad to see a familiar face :).


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